Monday, October 26, 2009

Brand New

I feel like a newbie when it comes to blogging, but I recently joined the twitter world - and I'm trying to become more technology savvy. Time will tell...
I am in my first year of teaching. I have always loved math and it has always been my dream to be a teacher. Now I am a math teacher, but I'm not sure if my dream has really come true. I am taking it a day at time. There are moments I love teaching and there are moments that I completely beat myself up over my failures.
I am teaching middle school. I always told myself I would never teach middle school, but here I am teaching Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1. My students are a lot of fun because they have so much energy and enthusiasm, but that is also why I find them difficult to teach. They never want to stop talking!

Two months into school, I finally feel like I am starting to get into a routine. Now that I think about it though, I am still changing things, so I guess routine is not the right word. Comfortable is the word I mean -- I am finally starting to feel an inkling of comfort. Maybe I am doing something right?

1 comment:

  1. Middle school kids are challenging to say the least. I always swore I'd never teach middle school, but when now that I sub, they've grown on me. Every teacher says it takes three years to hit your stride, so hang in there!
